IEEE-HKN Nu Eta Chapter Awareness Campaign

From Chennai

November 30th 2023



 Involved HKN Members:

  1. Kishore M A
  2. Jai Akash S
  3. Suvigshaa S
  4. Yashwanth J
  5. Venkatapathi K
  6. Raghul D
  7. Solaiganesh S


The primary objective of this activity was to raise awareness about the newly established IEEE-HKN Nu Eta Chapter within our college community. This involved visiting various classes across campus to inform students about the IEEE-HKN chapter, its mission, benefits of membership and also shared information about the upcoming brainstorming session.

Summary of Activity:

Our team conducted a targeted awareness campaign by visiting 25 classes across different departments in Sri Sairam Engineering College. The sessions were designed to provide students with information about IEEE-HKN, its objectives and how they can become actively involved in the chapter.

Key Points Covered:

  1. Introduction to IEEE-HKN:

  • Brief overview of IEEE-HKN as the honor society of IEEE.
  • Explanation of the Nu Eta Chapter's establishment and its significance.

  1. Membership Benefits:

  • Highlighted the benefits of IEEE-HKN membership, including academic recognition, networking opportunities and access to exclusive resources.

  1. Chapter Activities:

  • Shared information about the planned chapter activities, emphasizing their relevance to skill development and professional growth.

  1. Recruitment Process:

  • Outlined the process for becoming a member of IEEE-HKN Nu Eta Chapter.
  • Distributed informational materials and answered questions from interested students.

  1. Upcoming Brainstorming Session:

  • Introduced the exciting opportunity for students to participate in an upcoming brainstorming session.

Student Engagement:

The response from students was positive with many expressing interest in joining IEEE-HKN and participating in upcoming events. Engaging discussions were held on the importance of fostering a community of excellence and innovation within our college.

Next Steps:

1.Follow-Up Sessions:

  • Schedule follow-up sessions or workshops for interested students.
  • Establish communication channels to keep students informed about upcoming chapter activities.

2. Brainstorming Session Preparation:

  • Develop a clear agenda for the upcoming brainstorming session.
  • Create promotional materials to generate excitement and encourage maximum participation.


The awareness campaign for IEEE-HKN Nu Eta Chapter was a positive step in introducing the chapter to our college community. Despite some challenges, the overall response was encouraging, and we anticipate increased interest and participation in IEEE-HKN activities. The insights gained from this activity will inform our future outreach efforts, ensuring a more targeted and effective approach.